Friday, July 13, 2012

First Successful Wash and Go...Sort of!

Hi Naturals!

So, I wanted to talk about a wash and go. The idea behind this method of styling is referenced in the Curly Girl Method. Mahogany Curls and Whoissugar  (she is so funny and gets distracted easily, but her videos are great to watch too!) have really great videos about the method as well as products that they used. After watching their videos, I decided that I wanted to give it a try.

(L-R Tresemme Naturals Nourishing Moisture Conditioner, Paul Mitchell's The Conditioner and ECO Styler Krystal...oh and a spray bottle of water, hair clips and a diffuser-not pictured)

In one video of Mahogany Curls, she demonstrates the CG method on someone with a tighter curl pattern...very similar to mine and she used the blue ECO styler.  

So, I first started with the Tresemme Naturals to co-wash my hair. I just purchased the bottle and you can already see how much I've used! I used this to finger detangle in the shower. I often find that I need to turn the water off so that I'm not sitting there wasting it! It's important to note that you need to rinse ALL of the product out of your hair before moving on to the next step. That conditioner with the ECO Styler DO NOT MIX! (At least not for my can give it a try though and see how you like it)

After rinsing, I sectioned my hair into several workable areas and applied Paul Mitchell's The Conditioner. I used my fingers only to rake the product through my hair and was already seeing my curls become more defined. In an even smaller section, I applied the ECO Styler to set my curls. (It's important to not touch your curls until they are dry. You don't want to mess up the setting/drying phase)

(So, here I am with most of it done. Still need to do the front...make sure you keep that spray bottle handy!)

(Here is the nape/back of my head. Those Curls are so defined and shiny! I used my diffuser to help dry my hair a bit faster.)

(And the end result! I have. SO MUCH SHRINKAGE! Also, I think the left side looks better. I was rushing through the right side to just be done!) 

I really loved the results, but I will say it wasn't exactly a wash and go for me. In an earlier post, I mentioned how my hair in the front was more wavy than the rest, so that meant to get the curls, I had to take really small pieces in order to get definition. (Really small!) I started this process at 11am and didn't finish 'til about 3pm!! That's certainly no wash and go...more like wash and stay! lol! I want to do this style again, but I'm going to do bigger sections in the back and there's no way I can get around the front taking so long. That's just my hair texture and what I must do to get the definition that I want. I will also post pictures of second/third day hair!

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