Monday, June 18, 2012

In the Beginning...Again

Please Introduce yourself...
Hello Naturals! My name is Jennifer of Curl by Curl! I have my masters of science degree in school counseling. I have been married for almost 8 months and love every minute of it, including my decision to big chop and be chemical free. 

How long have you been natural?
 I big chopped on October 6th, 2011…two days before my wedding! Prior to that, I transitioned for about 18 months.This is my second time transitioning and looking back on it, I should have remained natural. My first time transitioning was in the summer of 2008. I mainly wore weaves as protective styles and my hair was healthy and strong. In May of 2010, my now husband and I went to Europe for two weeks. In the beginning I stayed strong, but as the days passed I became frustrated with my hair! When we were in London, I saw a salon and I went back to the creamy crack! (And regretted it immediately) Sure, my hair was long and would blow in the wind, but I missed my natural curls and was just able to put it into a ponytail.

(We are in Paris having dinner before he proposed to me under the Eiffel Tower. I was wearing a cute crochet cap.)

And here I am in front of the Houses of Parliament in London with my newly relaxed hair. (Sigh) This was taken in June of 2010. From this moment on I started to grow my hair out again.

What is your current regiment?
I'm still developing that, but right now for wash and go's, I've been using the LOC method. Which is liquid, oil and cream. Before wash day, I spray a mixture of water, extra virgin coconut oil and Hair Rules Quench Conditioner to finger detangle and shea butter to hold my two strand twists. This goes under a shower cap and then my satin bonnet. Next morning I co-wash and style. I try and henna every 1-2 months, but have fallen behind. I still need to develop a good deep condition routine as well as a protein treatment. The crown of my head has some growth and strength issues right now so that is my main area of concern. I've also started taking biotin so, I hope to report back on that with some good news. 

What is your hair type?
I have no idea what my hair type is lol! I know that I have a combination of types though in the 3/4 range. I get some sick curl definition in the back and sides, but the front of my hair is wavy. My hair loves water and loves moisture! 

 This was taken at my bridal shower. I was ready to get rid of those relaxed ends! Trying to detangle and style was challenging to say the least! 

 In London at St. Pancras Station on our way to the Netherlands. Hair is still natural! 

My husband and I at my cousin's wedding in Charlotte. I had stopped relaxing and this is before the color incident. 

 My hair after I big chopped on my wedding day. (She did a blow out and flat ironed) October 8th, 2011

 6 Months later at a concert in Philadelphia. So much growth already!

At my friend's bridal shower this past May.

 My latest length check and trim another ~6 months later. It's starting to get fuller and longer. My next challenge is to go an entire year before another blow out and curling iron session. I will continue to trim on my own and attack those split ends and single strand knots (I hate those!) 

Anything else we should know?
You can find me on blogger at Curl by Curl, as well as contributing articles on . I think being natural is one of the most liberating feelings I've had in a while. Depending on my mood and outfit I can have a fro, go for curls or even flat ironed. I think the real bonus is meeting some extraordinary women as well as educating myself on how to care for my hair. 

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